Authentication Technologies

Efficient technologies for document & print security

Every company has its own methods of safeguarding printer access security, whether that involves PIN codes, ID cards, usernames & passwords, or biometric authentication. To reliably control access, Konica Minolta output devices and drivers can be equipped with the specific authentication technologies of any enterprise, so that only authorised persons can pull hard copies from the printer. This makes printing secure for all kinds of businesses and organisations.

Authentication Tools workflow

Authentication Technologies

Authentication Technologies

Print security

  • High convenience and high print security
  • Fast facilitation
  • Off-the-shelf integration
  • Safe and secure with pull printing
  • Safe encryption and flexible printing

Device access control

  • In-house security technologies smoothly adopted
  • Access granularity safeguards control
  • Smart software for strong security
  • Administrators helped by clever code
  • Ultra secure with state-of-the-art technologies
  • Secure and reliable access for a family of corporate

Data leakage prevention

  • Active contribution to controlling and confining data leaks
  • Plug leaks quickly

Document security

  • Secure access to personal documents
  • Keep a tight lid on sensitive projects

Get the product brochure now to have all information at hand.

Authentication Technologies brochure